grandMA2 light Turns in Winning Performance at Academy Awards Telecast

Oscar Statuette Copyright AMPASgrandMA may not have made it onstage at the recent Academy Awards telecast, but it was grandMA’s night to shine, nonetheless. Jason Rudolph selected a grandMA2 light console to play the crucial role of controlling 34 Hippotizer servers, which fed multiple onstage screens via 70 video projectors. A.C.T Lighting is the exclusive distributor of grandMA in North America.

“It was an enormous undertaking, to say the least,” reports Rudolph. “I regularly program multiple media servers with grandMA2 – it’s my main console – but I hadn’t done anything of this size: The entire set at the Oscars was projection. We had 34 Hippotizer HD units outputting 53 discrete active outputs and some spares with control from the grandMA2 light console. In addition to the screens, we also took care of the scenic tracking for the moving elements which acted as (more…)